Writing DSRs for the USB-SM card

One problem when writing DSRs for the USB card is that there are a lot of different USB devices, hence many different DSRs, possibly written by many different programmers. The end user will want to load the DSRs dealing which these devices he owns, in whatever order he fancies. Therefore, a big one-for-all DSR program won't do it.

The solution I retained is to write DSRs in tagged-object format, i.e. the DF80 files produced by the TI assembler. A special loader, modeled on the one in the E/A cartridge, will be available for the user to load the required DF80 file into the DSR memory. Yes it's slower, but so is burning EEPROMs, and it's something the user won't do too often anyhow.

Another problem is that, even though the Flash-Memory is 8 megabytes in size (or 4 megs if you were cheap) , it maps at >4000-4FFF, so a page is only 4K. If a programmer needs more space, there should be a way to split the DSRs into several pages. However, the page numbers won't be available at programming time, because they depend on the order in which the user will load his DSRs.

The solution is easy: segment programming. The TI assembler carries all the necessary commands to this end, but we never used them because the TI loader doesn't handle them. Our special DSR loader does these commands and can dispatch segments between pages and link them together.

The present page explains how to write DSRs so that they can be handled by a common USB-DSR loader. It also describes several sets of low-level routines used to access the most basic features: Smartmedia, USB controller and memory. For specifics on how to program the various chips on the USB-SM card, refer to this page.

Writing DSRs
Using the SRAM
ISP1161 access routines
SmartMedia access routines
Standard memory routines

Writing DSRs

First, you need the assembler that comes with the Editor/Assembler cartridge, or an equivalent program that supports segment commands.

One usefull thing to do is to include a "COPY DSK1.USB/EQU" at the top of your file. This will include a definition file in your program, which contains a whole buch of EQUates and DEfines that will be usefull later. It will save you the burden of typing these DEFs on top of each of your programs.

To write distinct segments with the TI assembler, all you have to do is to enclosed your code in between CSEG and CEND:

       CSEG 'MYSEG '
... your code

In the example above, MYSEG is the name of the segment.

There are a few special cases:

In addition to $BLANK and $DATA, the following segment names are reserved:

So how do you jump from one segment to another? Well, that's what the stub segment is here for: it contains a set of routines that allow you to call routines across segments. For instance, to branch-and-link to another segment, instead of using BL @THERE, you would call:

       BLWP @SGBL

Where SGBL is the routine within the stub that switches pages and performs a BL to the specified address. PG4SEG is a dummy label which the loader will replace with the number of the page where THERE has been loaded.

To return to the caller, rather than doing a simple RT, the routine THERE should call:

       BLWP @SGRT            

Similarly, SGBLWP and SGRTWP are used to call and return from routines requiring a context switch. Simple enough, no?

Lets now discuss the various segments one at a time:

Entry segment
Data segment
Info segment
Export segment
Stub segment
Your segment(s)

Segment order
EEPROM structure

The entry segment

All DSRs for all devices must have their entry points (i.e. their name) in page 0. Since space is limited in page 0, the entry point should consist in only a branching order to the page where your DSRs are to be found.

To create an entry segment, just include its code in between a CSEG with no segment name and a CEND. Note that the loader won't necessarily load this segment as such, but may perform some code manipulation (e.g. linking to other DSRs, etc).

Important: If the entry segment uses any REF label that is also used by other segments, then the entry segment should appear before those in your file.

There are four type of routines that can be found in typical DSR space:

Device Service Routines

Strictly speaking, only these routines deserve the name "DSR": they let the user interact with a device by the mean of file operations like OPEN, SAVE or DELETE. All DSRs are called by name, some names you are probably familier with: DSK1, PIO, CS1, etc.

Parameters are passed via a structure called PAB (peripheral access block, see this page for details) located in VDP memory. The first byte of the PAB indicates the type of operation desired: open, close, read, write, restore, load, save, delete, scratch-record, or file status. According to the operation, parameters such as file type, opening mode, or file data will be passed to the DSR through the PAB. See this page for more information.

Another way to pass parameters to a DSR is to include them after the DSR name, using a dot as a separator. A well known example is the RS232 DSR which can be called with something like "RS232.BA=9600.DA=8.CR.LF". The DSR name is "RS232", the rest are parameters interpreted by the DSR.

Be aware that each time a file operation occurs, all DSRs on all cards will be scanned until the proper name is found. Thus, try to avoid multiplying DSR names, since it may slow the system. Also, remember that there is limited space in page 0 that should accomodate all DSR and subprogram names for the USB-SM card. It is thus best to have a main DSR and split it by the way of parameters. For instance, the USB controller can handle 127 devices, so you may want to create 127 DSRs called "USB1" through "USB127". This wouldn't be a good idea. It's much better to use something like "USB.1" where there is only one DSR (called USB) and the device number is passed after the dot.

You tell the loader that you wish to declare DSRs by defining the label MYDSR. Since you can have more than one DSR, you should arrange them as a chain and have MYDSR point to the first link in the chain. Each link consists in two data words (aligned on word boundaries!): the address of the next link, and the address of the entry point. These are followed with the DSR name, which should be a string from 1 to 7 characters, with a leading size byte. The last DSR in the chain will have >0000 in its link field.

To save space in page 0, a DSR entry point should consist only of a branch order to the page where your DSRs are loaded. You can use the routine SGB to this end, but not SGBL nor SGBLWP as these routines are not present in page 0.Your target routinewill be entered with whatever workspace the calling program is using (>83E0 from Basic and Extended Basic, anything from assembly). You can expect R12 to contain the card DSR, and R11 to contain the return point. Make sure you preseve R11 when returning from your DSR. In addition, R1 should contain the number of times this DSR was already found, a feature used by DSRs that can be present on multiple cards. You don't have to preserve R1 if your DSR doesn't use this feature.

Once done, you should increment R11 by two and return by branching to PG0RT (this is number zero, not letter o). This routine simply switches back to page 0, restores R12, and performs a B *R11. Optionally, you can dispense with INCTing R11. In this case, the calling routine will keep searching for DSRs with the same name. For this to work properly, you should preserve R1 as well as R11.

Example of DSR entry points:

       DEF   MYDSR
* No-name segment: loaded in page 0

MYDSR DATA LK2 link to next DSR
DATA ENT1 entry point for this one
BYTE 4 size byte
TEXT 'DSR1' DSR name
EVEN word-align (important!)
LK3 DATA 0 no more links
ENT1 BLWP @SGB entry point for 'DSR1'
DATA MYDSR1 address
DATA PG4SEG let loader provide the page #
ENT2   BLWP  @SGB       entry point for 'FOO'

ENT3 BLWP @SGB entry point for 'BAR'

* Our first segment: loaded wherever it fits

MYDSR1 ... code for 'DSR1'
SK1 INCT R11 no more scanning
BLWP @PG0RT return to page 0 and do B *R11

FOODSR ... code for 'FOO'
JMP SK1 return as above

BARDSR ... code for 'BAR'
JMP SK1 return as above



Subprograms resemble DSRs, in that there are called by name. However, they are not called by file operations, but with a dedicated instruction, CALL in Basic. They can also be called from assembly with DSRLNK, the same routine that calls DSRs.

A big difference with DSRs is in the way parameters are passed, as there is no PAB. For subprograms called from Basic, you must parse the Basic statement to find parameters in the parenthesis following CALL. This is quite tricky to do, as numeric parameters can be passed via complicated math expressions, and string parameters can include things like SEG$ and CHR$. The situation is much simpler in assembly, where parameters are generally passed in CPU memory, at address >834A and above.

It is possible to append parameters to the subprogram name (e.g. CALL MYSUB.A=1.NOLOAD) but be aware that these long names may not be properly saved within a Basic program, so it's only usefull for subprograms called interactively, from the keyboard.

Your subprogram will be entered with the caller's workspace, and you can expect R12 to contain the card's CRU. Do not loose R11, since it contains the return point. Just like with DSRs, R1 can optionally contain the number of times this particular subprogram name was found.

Once your subprogram is done, it should increment R11 by two and return with B @PG0RT, which returns to page 0 and performs a B *R11. Optionally, you can dispense with incrementing R11, which will cause the scanning routine to keep searching cards for subprogram with that name. In this case, make sure you also preserve R1.

Since you might want to define more than one subprogram, you should always arrange them in a chain (even if there is only one). Then define the label MYCALL, and have it point to the first link in the chain. The structure of the chain is the same as for DSRs.

Here is an example:

       DEF   MYCALL
* No-name segment: loaded in page 0

MYCALL DATA LK2 link to next subprogram
DATA ENT1 entry point for this one
BYTE 4 size byte
TEXT 'THIS' subprogram name
EVEN word-align (important!)
LK2 DATA 0 no more links
ENT1 BLWP @SGB entry point for 'THIS'
DATA THIS1 address
DATA PG4SEG let loader provide the page #

ENT2 BLWP @SGB entry point for 'THAT'

* Our first segment: loaded wherever it fits

THIS1 ... code for 'THIS'
SK1 INCT R11 no more scanning
BLWP @PG0RT return to page 0 and do B *R11

THAT1 ... code for 'FOO'
JMP SK1 return as above


Power-up routines

One can distinguish three types of power-up situations:

The master power-up routine in the TI-99/4A console does not distinguish the three types of power-up. However, the power-up routine in the USB-SM card DSRs does, and it's the one that will call your own routine. This will let you write different initialisation routines according to the type of power-up that occured.

Be carefull that, no matter what type of reset occured, only one type of power-up routine will be called. Generally, you should write your power-up routine in a cascading fashion, with three entry points:

PEBOX  ...        Entry point for PE-Box power-up
... Code unique to PE-box reset
CONS ... Entry point for console power-up
... Code unique to console reset
SOFT ... Entry point for software reset
... Code unique to software reset

To inform the loader that you intend to load a power-up routine, you should define the label MYPWUP in your program, and have it point at the first link of your power-up routine (even though there is no need for more than one routine, you could have several, therefore a chain structure is used, similar to the one we saw for DSRs, but without names). From there, you can either branch directly to the page in which your DSRs are loaded, or perform a quick test to determine which type of reset occurred. Before it calls your routine, the card's power-up routine will set a flag in R0 with the following values:

R0 = >FFFF for PE-box reset (test with JLT)
R0 = >0000 for console reset (test with JEQ)
R0 = >0001 for software reset (test with JGT)

N.B. The flag in placed in R0 just before entering your routine, so you don't need to add a MOV R0,R0 to test it.

Example of power-up entry point:

       DEF   MYPWUP
* No-name segment: loaded in page 0

MYPWUP DATA 0 no more links
DATA MYP1 entry point
MYP1   JEQ   SK1        trap software reset (example)
BLWP @SGB call our routine for others power-up types
DATA MYPW1 address of our routine
DATA PG4SEG let loader fill in page #

SK1 B *R11 return doing nothing

* Our first segment: loaded wherever it fits

MYPW1 JLT SK2 trap console reset
... code for PE-box reset
SK2 ... code for console reset
BLWP @PG0RT return to page 0


In this example, a software reset necessitates no special action, so that kind of power-up is trapped immediately. The other two types of reset require special handling, so we are branching to our routine in another segment. Note the branching is performed by calling the routine SGB with two data words: the address and the page number. Since we don't know what the page number will be, we used the pseudo-label PG4SEG wich instructs the loader to provide the page number for the address found in the previous word (here MYPW1).

The routine is entered with the GPL workspace: >83E0. You can expect to find your card CRU in R12. The entry routine has saved R12 through R15 and will restore them once our routine returns.

Once done, your routine must call PG0RT, which switches back to page 0, and performs a RT. This returns to the USB entry routine, which will call power-up routines for others DSRs, if any.

Interrupt service routine

These routines are called every time an interrupt occurs. An entry routine will make sure that the interrupt indeed comes from the USB-SM card, then call the ISR for every DSR loaded.

To provide an ISR, you should define the label MYISR and have it point to the first link in your ISR chain. Again, even though there is generally only one ISR, a chain structure is provided in case you wanted to use more than one routine. Normally, the entry point will immediately branch to your ISR routine in another segment. However, you may want to first test CRU input bits 0 and 1, to determine whether the interrupt came from the USB host controller or from the USB device controller.

It is your responsability to determine whether the interrupt was generated by your device or by another one. If it's not your device, your routine should branch immediately to PG0RT, which will return to page 0 and call the ISRs for other DSRs. If the interrupt did come from your device, you must clear the interrupt condition and increment R11 by two before branching to PG0RT. This will prevent the stubs from calling further ISRs.

Again, the ISR is entered with workspace >83E0, and R12 should contain the card's CRU. The card's ISR routine has saved R12 through R15 and will restore them upon return from your ISR.

Example of ISR entry point:

       DEF   MYISR
* No-name segment: loaded in page 0

MYISR DATA 0 next link: no more
DATA MYISR1 entry point

MYISR1 TB 0 host controller interrupt?
JNE SK1 no: don't do anything
BLWP @SGB call our routine for host controller ints
DATA MYISR2 address of our routine
DATA PG4SEG let loader fill in page #

SK1 B *R11 return doing nothing

* Our first segment: loaded wherever it fits

MYISR2 ... check if interrupt came from our device
... yes: handle it, clear interrupt
INCT R11 no more ISR scanning
NOTUS BLWP @PG0RT return to page 0


The information segment

As mentionned above, the segment named 'INFO' will not be loaded. It is meant for directory listing programs, so the user can have an idea of what the DSR is used for. For faster listing, it is better if the information segment appears at the top of your file. The INFO segment can contain upto 4 information fields, separated by >00 bytes.

  1. The first field should consists in a maximum of 16 characters. It describes the device this DSR is meant for. Currently, the device name should be 'USB-SM 1.5'.
  2. The second field is meant for directory listing with one line per file: it should contain a 28-char description of the DSRs.
  3. The third field should consist in a maximum of 24 lines of 32 characters. You can use byte >0D to move to the next line, or just pad each line with spaces. This field is meant to provide one full screen of information about your DSR.
  4. The last field is optional. It is free for you to use and has no required format.

Example of information segment:

        CSEG 'INFO  '

TEXT 'USB-SM 1.5' device name
BYTE >00 field separator

TEXT 'Sample DSR. No real use.' one-line description
BYTE >00

TEXT ' Sample DSR' full-screen description
BYTE >0D next line
TEXT ' ----------' underlining the title
BYTE >0D,>0D skip 2 lines
TEXT 'This is not really a DSR. It`s '
TEXT 'here to demonstrate the use of '
TEXT 'the INFO segment. '

CEND no third field, here

The export segment

This segment is here so that you can declare some of your routines for use by other DSRs (i.e. files loaded at a different time). The loader will enter these into a symbol table in the EEPROM. Once this is done, any DSR can refer to your routines by means of a REF statement. When the loader encounters a REF, it first checks if the label is one of the predefined symbols (e.g. PG4SEG). If not, it searches the export table, in the DSR EEPROM.

Each entry in the export segment has the following format:

Important: You must stick to this format very strictly and not add anything else to the export segment, otherwise you may confuse the loader and totally disable the REF resolution mechanism!

Here is an example of such a segment:

       CSEG 'EXPORT'




Note that the DSR file exporting the routines must be loaded before the one referencing to them. So there is no way you can have two DSR files cross-referencing each other: you would get a 'label not found' error when loading the first one.

Workspace issues

Most of the time, the exported routine will have its workspace within the SRAM, generally in page 0. Thus there is a danger that it would conflict with part of your DSEG segment. To prevent this kind of problem, follow these rules:

The stub segment(s)

A stub is a short segment that is loaded at the beginning of every EEPROM page. By default, the loader will install a minimal stub containing the page switching routines. If you so wish, you can append your own code to the existing stub, replace it with a stub or yours, or not use any stub at all.

To append code to the existing stub, just include it within a segment called STUB. The loader will add your code at the end of the default stub. To create your own stub, make up a segment called MYSTUB. You can have both a STUB and a MYSTUB segment in your program.

So that the loader knows which stub is to be used (if any) with each segment, you should set the proper segment flags (see below):

If you are not using the default STUB segment, you can still branch to your segments from another page, by using the page switching routines described below. However, to return to the caller, or to call other segments, you will need to implement your own page switching routines.

Important note: If your stub segment(s) contain any REF label shared by another segment, the stub segment should appear last in your file. If you're using both MYTSUB and STUB, then STUB should appear last.

Writing your own segment(s)

Segment flags
Jumping pages
Fetching inline data
Shorter syntax

Segment flags

You can (but don't have to) set several loading flags for each of your segment. To pass the flags to the loader, DEFine a label with the same name as the segment. Then EQUate this label to the sum of all flag values that you wish to set. If you find the values hard to remember, you may want to COPY the file USB/EQU at the top of your file. It contains several DEF and EQU needed to communicate with the loader. In particular, each segment flag has a name associated with its values:

NEWPG   EQU >0001
MYPG EQU >0004

NEWPG This flag causes the segment to be loaded at a fresh ROM page, which does not contain any other segment yet. If room is left after the segment is loaded, another segment (from you file, or from another DSR) may be loaded in the same page later on.

ENDPG This flag reserves the remainder of the page for your segment. It ensures nothing will be loaded after it, neither from your file, nor from subsequent loading sessions.

FULLPG This flag reserves the full page for your segment. As you may have noticed, it's actually a combination of NEWPG and ENDPG: so it starts with a fresh page, and no other segment will be loaded in the same page.

MYPG This is a somewhat mitigated version of NEWPG: your segment will be loaded into a page that is currently empty (from previous loading sessions) but into which other segments of yours may have been assigned. In other words, your segment won't mingle with segments from another DSR, but may cohabitate with some other segment of yours.

NOSTUB This flag relieves the loader from the obligation inserting a stub at the beginning of the page your segment is loaded in. Such a segment can be loaded in a page containing any stub, or no stub at all (e.g. if it's an empty page).

MYSTUB This flag informs the loader that it should use your own stub instead of the default one. Your stub must be in a segment called MYSTUB. If this segment is not found, the loader will use its default stub, or no stub a all if the NOSTUB flag is also set (MYSTUB has priority over NOSTUB). Again, only segments with the MYSTUB flag will be loaded together in the same page.

NOLINK prevents the loader from incorporating the segments within a chained list. Normally, each segment is preceded with one word of data, a pointer to the next segment (or free space). To find available space, the loader walks this chain starting at >4000. If you don't want such a structure to be installed, e.g. because you need to place your own data at >4000, or because your segment is exactly 4K, you can set the NOLINK flag. Be aware that it will make that page unavailable for loading further segments, from other DSR files.

Jumping pages

If your DSRs are smaller than 4K, they can fit within a single page. If you need more than one page, you will need a way to call a routine located in a different page. This is done by calling the page-switching routines SGB, SGBL and SGBLWP. We have discussed SGB above, SGBL and SGBLWP have a similar syntax and are used to call procedures with BL and BLWP respectively.

To call a routine that you would normally enter with BL, do:

       BLWP @SGBL

The first data word contains the address of the routine you want to call .

The second data word should contain the desired page number. As you don't know this at assembly time, it is better to replace it with the pseudo-label PG4SEG, which instructs the loader to use the page number for the routine that immediately follows.

SGBL saves the return address in R11, and the current page number in R10. You must preserve both registers to properly return to the caller. The return is achieved by calling:

        BLWP @SGRT            

which performs the equivalent of an RT (i.e. B *R11), after switching back to the page specified in R10.

To call a routine that you would normally enter with BLWP, do:

       BLWP @SGBLWP           

The first data word should be the address (in the destination page) of the BLWP vectors: workspace and start address.

The second data word should contain the desired page number. As you don't know this at assembly time, it is better to replace it with the pseudo-label PG4SEG, which instructs the loader to use the page number for the routine that immediately follows.

SGBLWP saves the workspace in R13, the return address in R14, the status in R15 and the current page number in R10. To properly return to the caller, you must also preserve R10. Then simply call the SGRTWP routine, which performs the moral equivalent of a RTWP, after switching to the page found in R10:

       BLWP @SGRTWP          

The trouble with BL is that you must preserve R11 before you can take another BL from within the called procedure. If you find this annoying, you're probably not too entranced at the idea of having to preserve yet another register, R10. In this case, SGBLX is for you!

The SGBLX routine works just like SGBL, except that it saves R10 and R11 in an internal stack, so you don't have to worry about preserving these registers. To return to the caller, just use SGRTX instead of SGRT. In fact, unpon entering the target routine, R11 will point at a BLWP @SGRTX instruction, so you can return with B *R11 if you want to.

N.B. If you need to retrieve inline parameters, use ATR11X instead of ATR11.

       BLWP @SGBLX        call procedure THAT, saving R10 and R11 
* In another segment:
BLWP @ATR11X skip the JMP upon return
BLWP @SGRTX or B *R11, if R11 was conserved

Please note that the internal stack is circular and 8-level deep. Which means that if you nest 9 calls, unlikely as it is, the return parameters for the nineth call will ovewrite those of the first call. Also, the stack is located in the current SRAM page: if you switch RAM pages you will loose all return points.

Because R11 does not contain the return address, you cannot manipulate it to change the return point. If all you need to do is to skip a jump upon return, you can use ATR11X as illustrated above. Otherwise, you'd need to change the return point inside the stack, which is a bit complicated. Your best bet is probably to pop the return parameters off the satck, and to return directly to the desired address with SGB. This strategy is illustrated below:

DEC @STAKPT decrement stack pointer
SZCB @HFFE3,@STAKPT round to lowest multiple of 4, circularize
BLWP @SGB "return" by branching to the point we want
HFFE3 DATA >FFE3                     

STAKPT is a number from >0000 to >001C which keeps track of the current entry in the stack. When it reaches zero, it rolls over to >001C and conversely. Thus the SZCB @HFFE3, which is the same as an ANDI >001C.

Fetching inline data

It's common practice to pass parameters to a routine by inserting data words after the call:

       BL   @THIS

The routine THIS can then recover the data with two MOV *R11+,R0 instructions. A routine called with BLWP would do the same with MOV *R14+,R0. Obviously, this is not going to work with routines located in different pages! To solve this problem, you can use the routines ATR11 and ATR14.

       BLWP @ATR11    or      BLWP @ATR14
MOV R0,... MOV R0,...

Each routine returns with R0 containing one word of data fetched from the page specified in R10, at the address specified in R11 or R14, respectively. The relevant register is incremented by two, so you can call the routine again, if more than one word of data needs to be fetched. Make sure you fetch all data words before returning to the caller.

A more general routine, is GETDAT (as a matter of fact, ATR11 and ATR14 are just different entry point into GETDAT). It is probably of little use since most of your data will be in SRAM anyhow, but it may be used to fetch a constant, for instance an entry from a pointer table.

       LI   R1,MYDATA

MOV R0,...

GETDAT retrieves data from the EEPROM page specified in R2, at the address specified in R1. One word of data is fetched and returned in R0.

A convenient way to obtain the page number for R2, is to take it from a data structure containing the pseudo-label PG4SEG:


The loader will replace PG4SEG with the number of the page where the label MYDATA is located. Note that you don't need to use the very same label as for the call to GETDAT, as long as it's located in the same segment.

Shortened syntax

If you get tired with typing all these calls to SGBLWP, followed with a data statement containing the routine name and a PG4SEG label, you can use the following trick:

* Relay call to export TOSLOT

TOSLT2 BLWP @SGB call the routine
* Now, instead of writing... 
* ...you can use the shorter form: 

This saves you 2 memory words per call, with a one-time overhead of 5 words. So it's worth using if you have more than 2 calls to the same procedure. It also makes your program easier to read...

The data segment

Since DSRs reside in ROM, you should not include any data within your program, except for constants. For variables, you can use the workspace with which the routine is entered. Be aware however, that R11 (and sometimes R1 and R12) must be preserved for proper return, and so are R13-R15 if the workspace is >83E0 (they are used by the system). Therefore, it's generally better to immediately perform a BLWP to your own workspace, possibly residing in the SRAM.

If you need more space for your data, you can of course use the SRAM chips on board the card. These map at >5000-5FFF, as 256 pages of 4 kbytes (although the USB controller maps at >5FF0-5FFF when CRU bit 1 is set). Remember that the SRAM is not battery backed, so the its content will be lost upon power-up. Incidently, this means that you cannot load pre-initialized data. If you need to initialize variables, have a copy of the initial state in the EEPROM and copy it to the SRAM when needed (e.g. upon power-up, or when first entering your DSR).

To tell the loader that you mean to use data inside the SRAM space, just include any data between a DSEG and a DEND instruction. These won't actually be loaded (since, once again, the SRAM won't retain it beyond the next power off), but the loader will assign them an address and patch these addresses within your program.

Here is an example, in which variables are initialized from a copy in EEPROM.

* Code segment: in EEPROM

INIVAR LI R0,ROMVAR optional: init variables
LP1 MOVB *R0+,*R1+ copy ROM to RAM
DUMMY MOVB @HERE,@THERE use variables (dummy example)

ROMVAR DATA 5 initial values to be copied in RAM
BYTE >55
TEXT 'This is a test'
* Data segment (assigned to SRAM)

HITS DATA 0 our variables


The DSEG segment will always use RAM page 0, which is shared by all other DSRs. Thus, you should not expect data in your DSEG segment to remain intact between two calls of your DSRs. If you need a private memory area (e.g. to store opened file information), use the MALLOC subroutine: the memory it assigns will remain yours until you free it, or until the computer is reset. You can save the address obtained from MALLOC into a private location using TOSLOT. See below for details.

Segment order in the file

I recommend that your segments appear in the following order, within your DF80 file:

This is needed for proper resolution of the REF chains. If your segment does not share any REF with another segment, then you can load it anywhere.

For the same reason, it's better if each segment is kept as a single block. You could chop them into pieces and interlace them, but that may prevent the loader from resolving all REF labels. The key here is that, if two segments uses the same REF label, then all occurences of this label should appear in the same order as the segment declarations.

Technical explanation

This is due to the way the assembler organises the REFed labels: as a chain starting at the end of the file (even though the REF statement itself may appear at the beginning of the source file). Each occurence of a REFed label points to the previous one, and the chain ends with a null link at the first occurence. Segment structure is ignored for that purpose. Here are three examples:

   CSEG 'SEG1'             CSEG 'SEGA'             CSEG 'MYSEG1'
* This is ok * This won't work * Neither will this

Because data within an EEPROM cannot be modified, the loader must build segments one at a time in the memory expansion, starting with the last one. More precisely: first STUB, then MYSTUB, then any other segments in reverse order of apparition, then the no-name entry segment (INFO and the data segments are never loaded).

It ensues that the loader cannot walk a REF chain if it goes through a segment that hasn't been loaded yet. In the second example above, the loader processes SEGB first, so it cannot walk the ANYREF chain through SEGA. And when SEGA is built, the loader cannot walk "through" SEGB to follow the links. A similar, less obvious, situation occurs in the rightmost example, where MYSEG2 is process first (because its CSEG appears after MYSEG1's), at a time when the REF chain hasn't yet been walked through MYSEG1.

In conclusion, to avoid that kind of problem, don't split your segments and arrange them as described above.

Internal EEPROM structure

You don't need to read this chapter, unless you are curious to know how the loader organizes segments within the EEPROM.

Each segment is preceeded with a pointer, i.e. a data word containing the next free address after the segment. This address may in turn contain a pointer to the next one, etc.

A4000  DATA PT1                 Address >4000
.... First segment (generally STUB)
... Second segment
PT2 DATA >FFFF End-of-chain mark
... Third segment
DATA >FFFF, FFFF,... Free space

The exception to this rule is page 0, in which address >4000 is needed for the standard ROM header. Thus, the first link in page 0 is located at >400E instead.

Other important locations in page 0 are:

The exports page begins with a pointer reserving the whole page (i.e. pointing at >4FFE) and the page number. Starting at >4004, exports are loaded exactly as defined in your EXPORT segment, with no separation between subsequent loading sessions. The first >FFFF word marks the end of the list. If the page gets full, the list will end with a >0000 word, followed with the number of the next exports page.

Removal information is saved in the same manner. It begins with four data words: a pointer to the next chunk of removal info, the numbers of the last export before yours, and the number of your last export (if these numbers are identical, you defined no exports), and finally a pointer to a list exports REFed by your program.

Then it lists the page number, address, and size for each segment in your program. The list always begins with the data segment and the no-name entry segment, even if they were not used in your program.

Finally, the loader lists the ordinal number of each export used by a REF in your file. The list ends with a >8000 endmark. It has a maximum size of 256 entries, if your program REFed more exports than this, the endmark will contain the number of unlisted REFs, in the form >8xxx.

This information can be used by a DSR management program to safely remove a DSR file from memory. By comparing your export numbers with the REF lists of other DSRs, it can determine whether removing your DSR would compromise others. The segment table lets us determine which memory page can be reclaimed, and possibly erased, by removing your DSR.

Example of removal information:

A4000 DATA >5000              Reserve full page
DATA >0002 Page number

DATA PT1 Info for next DSR loaded
DATA >0012 Number of the last export before ours
DATA >0014 Number of our last export (i.e. we had two)
DATA XP1 Pointer to list of REFed exports

DATA >0000 SRAM page for DSEG segment
DATA >5100 Address of DSEG segment
DATA >0124 Size of DSEG

DATA >0000 ROM page for entry segment (always 0)
DATA >4530 Address of entry segment
DATA >0064 Size of entry segment

DATA >0042 Page where one of our segments is
DATA >4106 Address of this segment
DATA >0AFE Its size

DATA >0025 Page number for another segment
DATA >4804 Its address
DATA >0106 Its size

XP1 DATA >0003,>0017,>0025 List of exports REFed by our DSR
DATA >8000 Endmark

PT1 DATA >FFFF,>FFFF... Free space (or >0000,next_page)

Using the SRAM

Data segment DSEG
Malloc, Free, Ramcpy
Private memory slot
Switching pages
SRAM internal structure

Data segment

When your DSRs are entered, you can expect SRAM page 0 to be on. All data in your data segment will map to this page. This is generally where you will place your workspace, unless you elect to use the caller's workspace, i.e. the one in use when your DSR is entered. Which is a bit tricky because you don't know which registers the calling routine expects to remain intact. So, as a general rule, it's safer use your own workspace.

A simple way to switch workspace upon DSR entry is the following:

       BLWP @MYWS        Trick to change workspace 
... Your DSR code
BL @OLDWS Trick to retrieve old workspace
INCT R11 Return with no error (example)
B *R11 Exit DSR
HERE B *R14 Return with new workspace
OLDWS MOV R11,R14 Copy return point
RTWP Return with old workspace

The botom of SRAM page 0 is reserved for use by the page-switching routines: they have their workspace at >5004 (level 0 workspace), followed with a stack for return addresses, and some reserved variables. Thus, your data segment will generally begin at >5040.

The end of SRAM page 0, from >5ED0 on, is used by exported routines for their workspaces. See workspace issues, above. And of course the USB controller mapsat >5FF0-5FFF if CRU bit 1 is set. Thus, the maximum size of your data segment is >0E90, or 3728 bytes.

Malloc, Free, Ramcpy

If you need more data space, you can use the dedicated procedure MALLOC to reserve it. Don't forget to free this space after use, with the procedure FREE. This method is especially convenient to reserve large chunks of memory.

MALLOC takes one argument in R0: the number of bytes you need. It returns with a page number in R0 (so you can select the page with RAMPG) and with the address of the first byte in R1. The Eq bit will be set upon return if the memory could be allocated. If the Eq is not set (test it with JEQ or JNE) something went wrong. Very likely, you're running out of RAM pages, or you asked for too big a chunk (max size is a bit under 4 kbytes).

FREE takes two argument: the page number in R0 and in R1 the address of the first byte to free, both as received from MALLOC. It will free the number of bytes that were allocated when MALLOC was called.

Here's an example:

       CSEG 'TEST  '

LI R0,1024 reserve 1024 bytes
BLWP @SGBLWP call routine in another segment
JNE ERROR trap errors
MOV R1,R6 save pointer
... use memory
MOV R6,R1 retrieve pointer
DATA FREE,PG4SEG free the memory


RAMCPY is a procedure that you can used once you obtained buffer space with MALLOC, to copy data to and from it. Its parameters are the following:

R0: source page
R1: source address
R2: number of bytes to copy
R3: destination page
R4: destination address

Obviously, R0 and R3 are only relevant if the corresponding address is in the SRAM space, i.e. >5000-5FFF. If it's elsewhere, the page number is ignored. Optionally, you can use >FFFF as a page number to specify the current SRAM page.

      MOV  @MYPAGE,R0     from this page
LI R1,MYDATA at this address
LI R2,512 512 bytes
SETO R3 into current page
LI R4,MYBUF at this address

Technical note: All three procedures use a workspace located at >5FD0, then switch to another worskspace in the scratch-pad, at >8300 so they can switch pages. The content of the scratch-pad is saved, and will be restored upon return. However, this means that you should not use RAMCPY with an address in the range >8300-831E, nor in the range >5FD4-5FE2.

Private RAM

Sometimes, it is necessary to keep information in memory between two calls of a DSR: for instance, you could store the current sector being accessed by an open file. However, because page 0 is shared by all DSRs, you cannot expect its contents to remain intect between two calls of your DSR: another DSR may be called in the meantime, and could overwrite your data.

If you need a permanent memory area, you can obtain one with MALLOC: the allocated memory won't be touched unless you free it, or the computer is rebooted. However, you still have a problem: how do you remember the location of that memory area? This is where your private memory slot comes in.

By REFerencing the label MYSLOT, you will cause the loader to assign you a unique slot of 4 bytes in RAM page 1. The address of which will be provided in MYSLOT. Four bytes is not much, but it's enough to save the page number and address returned by MALLOC (actually, since the page number is 2-255, you even have one spare byte). To this end, you can use the dedicated routines TOSLOT and ATSLOT.

TOSLOT saves R0 and R1 into your private slot. It must be followed with a data word containing a reference to MYSLOT.

ATSLOT retrieves the contents of your private slot into R0 and R1. The call must also be followed with MYSLOT. Upon power-up, you can expect your slot to contain >0000, >0000.

Here's an exemple of how to use this feature.


* This is performed upon power-up, or the first
* time your DSR is entered: it reserves some memory for later
LI 0,>0678 number of bytes required
DATA MALLOC,PG4SEG get private memory area
DATA TOSLOT,PG4SEG save its location
* Any time your DSR is entered, it can find out
* where the reserved memory is located
DATA ATSLOT,PG4SEG retrieve R0 and R1
... use them, for instance with RAMCPY
* This may be done once you don't need the memory any more
DATA ATSLOT,PG4SEG retrieve R0 and R1
DATA FREE,PG4SEG free our memory area
DATA TOSLOT,PG4SEG empty our slot

MALLOC, FREE, RAMCPY, TOSLOT and ATSLOT are part of a separate segment called STDMEM, to be found in the file MEMSUBS/O. This file should be loaded with the DSR loader, and will define several exports that you can REFered to within your program. Apart from the five aforementionned routines, the segment contains the standard VDP access routines (VSBR, VMBR, VSBW, VMBW, and VWTR), an extra VDP routine to write multiple copies on a byte (VIBW) and a routine to write a word into the Flash-EEPROM (BURNW). See below for a complete description of these.

Switching SRAM pages

We have touched on that above, when discussing the data segment. The routine RAMPG lets you switch the current RAM page. It takes the number of the desired page in R0, as a parameter.

       LI   R0,....

Be carefull that, after a call to RAMPG, the default page containing your DSEG variables will be switched off. This means that you should call RAMPG again to go back to RAM page 0 (or to your private RAM page) when you are done with the buffer. This can be a little tricky if you decided to place your workspace in the SRAM...when switching pages you'll also switch workspaces! A way around this problem is to first copy your workspace into the destination page with RAMCPY.

Internal SRAM structure

You might be tempted to access memory directly in a SRAM page, at >5000-5FFF. This is a bit dangerous to do, however, because you cannot be sure what portion of this memory might be used by a different DSR. If you decide to to it anyhow, you should be aware that the system expects the SRAM to have a predefined internal structure.

All SRAM pages are structured in a linked-blocks chain. The first word in the block points at the start of the next block, etc. If a block is free, the pointer has its >8000 bit set. Additionally, the first block in each page contains a common stub installed by the default power-up routine: it holds the workspace for page-switching routines, as well as some necessary data.

For instance, every SRAM page should begin with the following stub:

>5000  DATA ENDSTU                       Point to next block
DATA >0001 Page number
DATA 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Workspace for page switching routines (R0-R11)
DATA >1D0A Address of CRU bit 5 (also R12)
DATA 13,14,15 End of workspace (R13-R15)
BSS 26 Reserved, 13 words
ENDSTU DATA >5FFF+>8000 Free upto end of page (>5040-5FFF)

N.B. In all pages, the area >5FF0-5FFF is only accessible when CRU bit 1 is '0', when this bit is '1' the USB controller maps there. In page 0, the area >5ED0-5FEF is used for the workspaces of by exported routines.

If you were to reserve 512 bytes with MALLOC, the pointer at ENDSTU would change as follows:

ENDSTU DATA NEWEND                       Point to next block
FORYOU BSS 512 Space reserved for you
NEWEND DATA >5FFF+>8000 Free to end of page

In this example, the address labelled FORYOU would be returned by MALLOC in the R1 register.

Calling FREE will result in merging the NEWEND and ENDSTU pointers, reverting to the first example above.

ISP1161 access routines

If you feel like using them, I have a set of low-level routines to communicate with the USB chip, the ISP1161. To use them simply include the file ISP1161/S inside your program with a "copy" statement: COPY "DSK1.ISP1161/S". Optionally, you can include it within the STUB segment, so that they will be available to every segment. A PC text version of this file is available here: ISP1161.TXT. In addition, here is a small demo program USBTEST.TXT, which makes use of the above routine to test the USB ports: just connect the upstream port to downstream port #1 (the bottom one) and you'll be able to verify that the host controller and the device controller can talk to each other through a USB cable. Alternatively, here is a zip file containing both the text versions and DF80 files to be transfered to your TI-99/4A.

Host Controller routines:

HCR    Host Controller Read   (a.k.a. HCR2)
HCW Host Controller Write (a.k.a. HCW2)
HCWI Host Controller Write Immediate (a.k.a. HCWI2)
HCWIM Host Controller Write Immediate Multiple
ATLW ATL write

Device controller routines:

DCA    Device Controller Action
DCR Device Controller Read
DCW Device Controller Write
DCWI Device Controller Write Immediate
DCWIM Device Controller Write Immediate Multiple
DCWEPCF Device Controller Write EndPoint Configuration

EPST EndPoint Status
EPCHK EndPoint Check status image
EPERR EndPoint Error
EPCFR EndPoint Configuration Read
EPSTAL EndPoint Stall
EPUNST EndPoint Unstall
EPCLR EndPoint Clear
EPVAL EndPoint Validate
EPR EndPoint Read
EPW EndPoint Write

Host controller read

       BLWP @HCR         or       BLWP @HCR2
DATA register DATA register

This routine is used to read from a host controller register. The data read will be placed into R1 (or in R1 and R2, for 32-bit registers) after due byte swapping, so that the MSB is in R1's MSB.

HCR2 is an alias for the same routine. It can be used as a reminder, when addressing 32-bits registers. However, the number of bytes transfered is detemined by the register number, not by the name of the routine: registers under >0020 are 32-bit.

The data word register should contain a number from >0000 through >003F, indicating the register number. If the >0080 flag is present, it will be removed.

Alternatively, register can be a number from >0100 through >010F. In which case, it indicates a workspace register (from 0 through 15) into which the number of the host controller register is to be found.

       LI   R3,>0027       register number
BLWP @HCR read host controller register into R1
DATA >0203 register number is in R3

In case you want the results to go somewhere else than into R1, you may use the following syntax:

       BLWP @HCR        
DATA address,register

Here, address is a pointer to a cpu location, in the range >0200-FFEF, into which the contents of the host controller register will be read. Alternatively, if address is in the range >FFF0-FFFF, the data will be placed into worspace register R0 through R15.

       BLWP @HCR        
DATA >AC02,>0027 Place contents of register >27 into >AC02
       BLWP @HCR       
DATA >FFF5,>0027 Ditto, but place them into R5

Host Controller Write

       BLWP @HCW         or       BLWP @HCW2
DATA register DATA register

This routine writes data from R1 into the host controller's register specified in the data word. See above for details on register. In case the register is 32-bit, R1 will supply the most significant word and R2 the least significant word. The alias HCW2 can be used as a mnemonic for 32-bit operations, but actually it's the register number that determines the number of words.

Just like HCR, there is an alternative syntax for HCW that lets you specify an address (or a workspace register) for the source, other than R1 and R2:

       BLWP @HCW              or      BLWP @HCW2
DATA address,register DATA address,register

Host Controller Write Immediate

       BLWP @HCWI             or       BLWP @HCWI2
DATA register,data(,data) DATA register,data,data

This routines takes the value to write into the host controller from the data word following the register number. For 32-bit registers, two data words are required. You can use the alias HCWI2 to remind yourself of this fact.


       BLWP @HCWI                 store >1234 into scratch register 
DATA >0028,>1234

Host Controller Write Immediate Multiple

       BLWP @HCWIM
DATA register,data(,data)
(DATA register,data,(data))
DATA >0000

This routine is usefull when you need to set a whole bunch of registers at a time, for instance during initialization. It is followed with a list of register numbers together with the data to be placed into this register. The list is terminated with a >0000 word (register 0 is read-only). Remember that 32-bit registers require two words of data!

Transfer List Write

       BLWP @ATLW       or     BLWP @ITLW      

These routines are used to write data to the ATL (acknowledged transfer list) stack, or to the ITL (isochronous transfer list) stack currently in used.

R1 should contain a pointer to the data to be written.
R2 should contain the number of bytes to write, rounded up to the next even number.

Either routine copies R2 into the TransferCounter register, then passes the relevant number of words to the required stack.

Tansfer List Read

       BLWP @ATLR       or     BLWP @ITLR     

These are the mirror routines from the above ones: they read back data from the ATL or ITL stack, respectively. The number of bytes to read is passed to the host controller via the TransferCounter register.

R1 should point to a buffer large enough to accomodate the data.
R2 should contain the number of bytes to read, rounded up to the next even number.

Ok, now for the device controller...

Device Controller Action

       BLWP @DCA
DATA register

This routine is used to send a command to the device controller, by passing a register number without actually passing any data to/from it. As no data is passed, R1 is not affected, and there is no alternative syntax using an address.

Register is a the number of a device controller register, from >00 to >FF. Just like with host controller routines, values in the range >0100-010F indicates that the register number is to be found in the rightmost byte of the corresponding workspace register: >0100 is R0, >0101 is R1, etc.

Device Controller Read

       BLWP @DCR           or       BLWP @DCR
DATA register DATA address,register

This routine is similar to the HCR routine described above, except that it addresses the device controller instead. With the first syntax, the contents of the specified register will be placed into R1. With the second, they will be placed at the specified address.

Here also, if register is in the range >0100-010F, it means that the register number is to be taken from workspace register R0 through R15, respectively.

Similarly, an address in the range >FFF0 through >FFFF indicates that the target is workspace register R0 through R15.

Device Controller Write

       BLWP @DCW           or       BLWP @DCW
DATA register DATA address,register

This routine sets a register in the device controller, taking its value from R1 or from the specified address, respectively.

Device Controller Write Immediate

       BLWP @HCWI             or       BLWP @HCWI2
DATA register,data(,data) DATA register,data(,data)

This routines takes the value to write into the host controller from the data word following the register number. For the 32-bit InterruptEnable register, two data words are required.

Device Controller Write Immediate Multiple

       BLWP @HCWIM
DATA register,data(,data)
(DATA register,data,(data))
DATA >0000

This routine is usefull when you need to set a several registers at a time. It is followed with a list of register numbers together with the data to be placed into this register. The list is terminated with a >0000 word (register 0 is stack access). Remember that the InterruptEnable register requires two words of data!

Device Controller EndPoint Configure

       BLWP @DCEPCF             or        BLWP @DCEPCF
BYTE cfg,...,cfg DATA address

This routine is used to set the configuration of the endpoints. As per the device controller design, you must always set all 16 endpoints together, in numerical order, hence there must be exactly 16 bytes of data. The first two endpoints have preset values: the first two bytes must be >C3 and >83.

The alternative syntax provides an address (which must not be >C383) at which the 16 bytes of data are to be found.

Since most device controller operations address endpoints, I have also provided a set of endpoint-oriented routines:

EndPoint Status

       BLWP @EPST        
DATA endpoint

This routine reads the status of the specified enpoint into R1.

The data word endpoint should be a number between 0 and 14. However, since there are two enpoints 0 (one for input, one for output), there is an ambiguity here. Therefore, the following convention is to be used:

Optionally, the same conventions can be applied to the other endpoints. Use >002x for endpoint you programmed as inputs, and >00Cx for those you programmed as outputs. The routines that are direction-sensitive (i.e. write, read, clear and validate) will ignore operations going in the wrong direction. This is important as such an error could lock-up the device controller.

Alternatively, endpoint can be a number from >0100 to >010F, which specifies the workspace register (R0 through R15) into which the endpoint number is to be found.

In case you don't want the data to go into R1, an alternative syntax is provided:

       BLWP @EPST
DATA address,endpoint

Where address is a pointer to a cpu memory location, in the range >0200-FFEF, where the data will to placed. In case address is in the range >FFF0-FFFF, the data will be placed in workspace register R0 through R15.


       BLWP @EPST             Place status of endpoint #0-input into R1
DATA >0020
       BLWP @EPST             Place status of endpoint #0-output into >C840
DATA >C840,>00C0
       LI   R3,>0005          Specify endpoint number
BLWP @EPST Place satus of endpoint #5 into R1
DATA >0103 Get endpoint number from R3
       LI   R10,>C840         Specify target
BLWP @EPST Place status of endpoint #6 into >C840
DATA >FFFA,>0006 Get destination from R10
       LI   R3,>0005          Specify endpoint number
LI R8,>C840 Specify target
BLWP @EPST Place status of endpoint #6 into >C840
DATA >FFF8,>0103 Get destination from R8, endpoint from R3

EndPoint Check

       BLWP @EPCHK        or        BLWP @EPCHK
DATA endpoint DATA address,endpoint

This routine is equivalent to EPST, except that it accessed the StatusImage register for the given endpoint. This lets you read the status without resetting the corresponding bit in the Interrupt register.

The first version reads the status into R1, the second into the specified address.

EndPoint Error

       BLWP @EPERR        or        BLWP @EPERR
DATA endpoint DATA address,endpoint

This routine read the error register for the specified endpoint. The first version places it into R1, the second into the specified address.

EndPoint Configuration Read

       BLWP @EPCFR        or        BLWP @EPCFR
DATA endpoint DATA address,endpoint

This routine is used to read back the configuration of an endpoint. The first version reads it into R1, the second into the specified address.

EndPoint Stall

DATA endpoint

This routine stalls the specified endpoint. This is a command, so no data is transfered. Thus R1 is not affected and there is no alternative syntax using an address.

EndPoint Unstall

DATA endpoint

This routine unstalls the specified endpoint. No data is transfered, so R1 is not affected and there is no alternative syntax using an address.

EndPoint Clear

       BLWP @EPCLR
DATA endpoint

This routine empties the stack for the corresponding endpoint. This is a direction-specific routine: only input endpoints should be cleared. If the output flag >00Cx is specified, the routine will do nothing (actually, only the >004x bit is checked, the >0080 bit is ignored).

No data is passed with this routine, so R1 is not affected and there is no alternative syntax using an address.

EndPoint Validate

       BLWP @EPVAL
DATA endpoint

This routine is used to tell the device controller that the data placed into an output endpoint may be sent to the host upon reception of the next IN packet. This is a direction-specific routine: you should never validate an endpoint programmed as input. If the input flag >002x is specified in the endpoint number, the routine will return immediately, doing nothing.

No data is passed with this routine, so R1 is not affected and there is no alternative syntax using an address.

EndPoint Write

       BLWP @EPW
DATA endpoint

This routine places data into an endpoint programmed for output (i.e. to answer IN packets from the host).

R1 should contain a pointer to the data.
R2 should contrain the number of data bytes to be written.

The routine places R2 on the endpoint's stack, followed with the data bytes read from R1. It does not verify that R2 is in the legal range for this endpoint.

EndPoint Read

       BLWP @EPR
DATA endpoint

This routine reads data from an input endpoint's stack into a cpu buffer.

R1 should contain a pointer a buffer large enough to accomodate the data
R2 should contain the maximum number of bytes that can be transfered. Upon return, R2 will contain the number of bytes in the endpoint.

The routine first reads the number of bytes waiting inside the endpoint's stack. If this number is smaller than R2, all the bytes are transfered to the buffer specified by R1 and R2 is updated to reflect the number of bytes actually transfered.

It the number of bytes on the stack is greater than R2, only the number specified in R2 will be transfered. R2 will then be updated to reflect the total number of bytes in the endpoint's stack (not counting the two size bytes).

SmartMedia access routines

These routines will let you perform basic read/write/erase functions with SmartMedia cards. If you feel like using them, include the file SM/S within your program. with a COPY "DSKn.SM/S". Tip: if you want these routines to be accessible from any of your segments, make the file part of the STUB segment. Here is the file, in PC text format: SM.TXT alternatively, here is a zip file containing both the text version and a DF80 file to be transfered to your TI-99/4A.

SMR    SmartMedia Read
SMV SmartMedia Verify
SMVB SmartMedia Verify Byte
SMW SmartMedia Write
SME SmartMedia Erase
SMRX SmartMedia Read eXtra bytes
SMWX SmartMedia Write eXtra bytes
SMID SmartMedia Read card ID

Usefull tips:

SmartMedia Read SMR

This routine lets you read a number of bytes from the SmartMedia card.

R0: Pointer to SmartMedia address.
R1: Pointer to a buffer in CPU memory.
R2: Number of bytes to read. This may be more than one sector: reading will continue with the extra information bytes for the current sector, then with the next sector, its info bytes, etc.

A SmartMedia address should consist in three words: two for the sector number, and one for the byte offset where to start reading within the sector. Normally, this will be zero, but you can elect the start reading anywhere within a sector.

SMADR  DATA >0000,>0000     Sector number
DATA >0000 Byte offset

The trouble with SmartMedia cards is that some use 2 bytes for the sector number, others use 3, or even 4. This is a problem, because older cards are thrown off by extra address bytes. Therefore, you should first check the card ID (and extended ID) to determine its addressing scheme. Another way is trial and error: passing the wrong number of address bytes generally results in reading only >00 bytes.

Once you know how many bytes to use, follow these rules:

Another discrepancy between cards is that some have 256-byte sectors (plus 8 extra bytes), whereas others have 512-byte sectors (plus 16 extra bytes). And how is that for standardization? Thus, the byte offset can be a number between 0 and 255, or between 0 and 511, depending on the card.

For your convenience, provision was made for the routine to treat 512 bytes/sector cards as if they had 256 bytes/sector. This is based on the fact that most cards let you write a sector in at least two chunks. To trigger this feature, make the first byte of the offset >FF. This will cause the sector number to the divided by two before it's passed to the card. The remainder of the division is used to decide wether to access the first half, or the second half of the 512-byte sector.


       LI    R0,SMADR
LI R2,256
SMADR  DATA  >FF00,>1234         3-byte sector number
DATA >0000 start at beginning of sector
BUFFER BSS 256 buffer space

SmartMedia Verify SMV

R0: Pointer to SmartMedia address.
R1: Pointer to a buffer in CPU memory.
R2: Number of bytes to check.

This routine works just like SMR, except that it does not place the bytes it reads into the buffer. Rather, it compares them with the contents of the buffer. If all match, the routine returns with the Eq bit set, a condition which can be trapped with JEQ.

If a mismatch is detected, the routine returns with the Eq bit reset (use JNE to trap it), and R1 pointing at the first offending byte in the buffer.


       LI    R0,SMADR
LI R2,>0006
SMADR  DATA  >FFFF,>1234         2-byte sector number
DATA >0000 start at beginning of sector
BUFFER DATA >0102,>0204,>0506 data to verify

SmartMedia Verify SMVB

R0: Pointer to SmartMedia address.
R1: Value to verify (in left byte)
R2: Number of bytes to check.

This routine works just like SMV, but it expects all bytes to match a given value. It comes handy to check whether a sector is blank, i.e. contains only >FF bytes.

If all bytes match, the routine returns with the Eq bit set, a condition which can be trapped with JEQ. If a mismatch is detected, the routine returns with the Eq bit reset (use JNE to trap it), and R2 will contain the number of the first offending byte (counting from zero on).


       LI    R0,SMADR
LI R2,>0100
SMADR  DATA  >FFFF,>1234         2-byte sector number
DATA >0000 start at beginning of sector

SmartMedia Write SMW

R0: Pointer to SmartMedia address.
R1: Pointer to a buffer in CPU memory.
R2: Number of bytes to check. Maximum: 256+8 bytes or 512+16 bytes, depending on the card.

This routine is used to write to the SmartMedia card. Generally, it is best to write one sector at a time. It is impossible to write more than one sector, because the card won't accept more bytes than fit in a sector plus its extra information bytes. It is possible to write less than a sector, but be aware that it's not reliable to write more than twice to the same sector. So if you don't cover the whole sector with two write operations, the remaining bytes should remain untouched.

Once it is done writing, the routine performs a status check. If everything went well, it returns with the Eq bit set. If the error flag was raised in the status byte, the routine returns with the Eq bit reset. This may happened if the card is write protected, for instance. The routine will not return until the card signals that it is ready to continue.


       LI    R0,SMADR
LI R2,256
SMADR  DATA  >0012,>3456         4-byte sector number
DATA >FF00 treat card as a 256 bytes/sector card
BUFFER DATA >0102,>0204,etc data to write

SmartMedia Read eXtra bytes SMRX

R0: Pointer to SmartMedia address.
R1: Pointer to a buffer in CPU memory.
R2: Number of bytes to read.

This routine works just like SMR, except that it reads only the extra info bytes associated with the requested sector. Cards with 256-byte sectors will have 8 extra bytes per sector, whereas 512 bytes/sector cards have 16 extra bytes. You can read more that this number, however, since reading will continue with the extra bytes of the next sector(s).

Note that this routine will never read data from the sector itself. It is thus usefull to determine the sector size: read 520 bytes with SMR, then 8 with SMRX and check wether these 8 bytes match bytes 256 through 261, or to bytes 512 through 519.


       LI    R0,SMADR
LI R2,15
SMADR  DATA  >FF00,>1234         3-byte sector number
DATA >0001 start at second extra byte (dummy example)
BUFFER BSS 16 buffer space

SmartMedia Write eXtra bytes SMWX

R0: Pointer to SmartMedia address.
R1: Pointer to a buffer in CPU memory.
R2: Number of bytes to write (8 or 16, depending on the card).

This routine is used to write the extra information bytes associated with the specified sector. It is generally best to write all of them at a time, and not to exceed the maximum (although some card may accept more, I'm not sure if they get written properly). Another solution is to write the extra bytes together with the sector data, using SMW instead of SMWX.

Just like SMW, this routine performs a status check when done and returns with the Eq bit set if everything went well, and with the Eq bit reset if the status reported an error.


       LI    R0,SMADR
LI R2,8
SMADR  DATA  >FF00,>0002                 3-byte sector number
DATA >0000 start from byte 0
BUFFER DATA >FFFF,>00FF,>FF01,>0203 data to write

SmartMedia Erase SME

R0: Pointer to SmartMedia address.

This routine is used to erase a block of sectors. Depending on the card (again!), there may be 16 or 32 sectors per block. The SmartMedia address should consist in two words containing the number a a sector within the block to erase. No need for a byte offset in this case.

Once done, the routine performs a status check and returns with the Eq bit set if everything went well. If an error occured (most likely, the card being protected), it returns with the Eq bit reset.


       LI    R0,SMADR            Address pointer
SMADR  DATA  >FFFF,>1234         2-byte sector number          

SmartMedia Identification SMID

R0: Pointer to SmartMedia address, which should be zero.
R1: Will contain manufacturer & product ID
R2: Will contain extended ID, if available.

This routine queries the card for its ID and places it into R1. The manufacturer ID will be in the most significant byte, the product ID in the least significant byte. In addition, it also checks the extended ID code and places it into the most significant byte of R2. If the card does not support the extended ID function, R2 is most likely to contain a >00 byte, although this is not guaranteed.

ID data is usefull to identify the SmartMedia card currently inserted and decide of its characteristics:

You will need to answer at least the first 3 questions to properly access the card.


       LI    R0,SMADR            Address pointer

SMADR DATA >FF00,>0000 3-byte sector number: sector 0
DATA >0000 byte offset should be zero too

If the card returns an ID that you don't know, you'll have to answer the above questions by trial and error. This is easier to do if the card is blank, as there is no concern about loosing data in the process...

Number of address bytes: Try five, then four, then three with a SMVB operation on sector 0. If it reads as all >00, then you probably don't have the right number of address bytes (unless of course the card is not blank, and sector zero was filled with >00s).

Bytes per sector: Read and save 16 info bytes for sector 0 with SMRX. Write an 8-byte test string to sector 0 info area with SMWX. Read 520 bytes from sector 0 with SMR. Check if your test string appears at bytes 256-263, or at bytes 512-530. Restore 8 or 16 info bytes (depending on the sector size) with SMWX.

Sectors per block: Save the first 32 sectors with SMR (optional). Write a test string to sector 17 with SMW. Erase sector 0 with SME. Check if sector 17 became all >FF with SMVB, if not there are 16 sectors per block. Restore 16 or 32 sectors with multiple calls to SMW (optional).

Standard memory routines

These routines are to be found in a file named USBSTD/O, which is to be loaded with the DSR loader. The file defines a number of exports that you can subsequently REFerenced within your program, and call with BLWP @SGBLWP.

Technical note: most of these routines are all "level 1" routines (i.e. do not call other exports), and use L1WS as their workspace. The exceptions being NEWWS and BURNW which use L2WS as their workspace.

VSBR   VDP Single Byte Read
VMBR VDP Multiple Bytes Read
VSBW VDP Single Byte Write
VMBW VDP Multiple Bytes Write
VIMW VDP Identical Bytes Write
VWTR VDP Write To Register
BURNW  Burn Word into Flash-EEPROM
MALLOC Memory Allocation in SRAM
FREE Free previously allocated memory
RAMCPY Copy to/from SRAM
NEWWS Switch to a new workspace in SRAM, optionally copy from old one
TOSLOT Save R0 and R1 into our private slot
ATSLOT Retrieve R0 and R1 from our private slot

VDP Single Byte Read VSBR

R0: Address in VDP memory, range >0000-3FFF.
R1: Most significant byte will contain the byte read from the specified VDP location.


       REF  VSBW
       LI   R0,>0020           
LI R1,'A '

VDP Multiple Byte Read VMBR

R0: Address in VDP memory.
R1: Pointer to a buffer in CPU memory, large enough to accomodate all the data.
R2: Number of bytes to read (>0001-7FFF only, invalid values abort).
R3: SRAM page # (only relevant if R1 points to the SRAM).

VDP single Byte Write VSBW

R0: Address in VDP memory, range >0000-3FFF.
R1: Most significant byte contains the byte to be written at the specified VDP location.

VDP Multiple Byte Write VMBW

R0: Address in VDP memory.
R1: Pointer to a buffer in CPU memory, containing the data.
R2: Number of bytes to write (>0001-7FFF only, invalid values abort).
R3: SRAM page # (only relevant if R1 points to the SRAM).

VDP Identical Bytes Write VIBW

R0: Address in VDP memory.
R1: Most significant byte contains the byte to be written at all the specified VDP location.
R2: Number of repeats.


       REF  VIBW
       CLR  R0              start from >0000
LI R1,' ' fill with spaces
LI R2,>0300 24 lines of 32 bytes
BLWP @SGBLWP clear screen

VDP Write To Register VWTR

R0: MSB contains register number (>00-07), LSB contains register value.


       REF  VWTR
       LI   R0,>01F0       target: VDP register 1 
BLWP @SGBLWP set text mode


This routine can be used to write a word to the Flash-EEPROM containing the DSRs. Remember that the user can open a DIP-switch that will prevent writing to occur, so make sure you prompt him/her for closing that switch.

R0: EEPROM page number (0-7FF).
R1: Address in EEPROM memory (>4000-4FFF)
R2: Data word to write.

The routine returns its results in the status register. You can trap it with the following instructions:

 JEQ    All went well
JNE Something went wrong
JGT EEPROM complained of an error (e.g. write-protected)
JLT Result doesn't match expected value (e.g. '0' bits can't become '1')


       REF  BURNW
       LI   R0,>0005      page 5
LI R1,>4822 target address
LI R2,>1234 value to write
JNE ERROR trap errors


This routine allocates memory space within a SRAM page.

R0: Number of bytes needed. Upon return: SRAM page number.
R1: Upon return: Address of the required memory.

Upon return, the Eq bit will be set if all went well. You can thus trap the result with the following instructions:

 JEQ   All went well
JNE Error (e.g. memory full)

See above for examples.


This routine is used to free previously allocated memory.

R0: SRAM page number.
R1: Address in SRAM

Upon return, the Eq bit will be set if all went well.

 JEQ   All went well
JNE Error (e.g. wrong page number or address)


This routine copies memory from one page to another within the SRAM, or to the general CPU memory.

R0: Source page number (>FFFF = current SRAM page).
R1: Source address.
R2: Number of bytes to copy.
R3: Destination page number (>FFFF = current SRAM page).
R4: Destination address.

A page number is only relevant if the corresponding address is in the range >5000-5FFF.

NB The routine makes uses a workspace located at >8300. The contents of these addresses are saved and restored once the routine is done.

Caution: never use RAMCPY to copy data from the EEPROM: since the routine is most probably located in a different page than your segments, the EEPROM data would not be available when copying. You would end up copying data from the page then RAMCPY is!


This routine lets you change workspace, and optionally copy the old one, to a new workspace located in another SRAM page.

DATA size

R0 lsb: Page for new workspace (most significant byte ignored).
R1: New workspace address. R0 and R1 are best obtained by a call to MALLOC.
size: Number of bytes to copy from old workspace to new one (if any), 32 copies the whole workspace, higher values let you copy extra data words following your workspace.

When this routine is called, the current SRAM page is placed into the most significant byte of R0 and the current worspace address is substracted from R1 (i.e. R1 now contains the differential offset between the two workspace). If you copy at least 4 bytes into the new workspace, you will be able to use R0 and R1 to return to the old workspace, using an alternative syntax:

DATA size + >8000

R0 msb: Page for new workspace (least significant byte ignored).
R1: Offset to substract from current workspace pointer to get new workspace address.
size: Number of bytes to copy (if any), plus a >8000 flag bit to indicate alternative syntax. In this case, R0 and R1 are left unchanged by the call.


       LWPI WREGS          current workspace
LI R0,36 obtain address for new workspace + 2 words

DATA NEWWS,PG4SEG switch to new workspace
DATA 36 copying workspace + 2 data words

* CLR @THIS this won't work !!!
CLR @THIS(R1) access the copies
DATA NEWWS,PG4SEG switch back to old workspace
DATA >8000 don't copy anything back (although we could)


* Data segment
WREGS BSS 32 initial workspace
THIS DATA 0 variables

If you elect to copy extra data words after your workspace, be aware that their address may vary according to what MALLOC returned. In the exemple above, let's say your initial workspace was at >5040 in page 0; this means that THIS was at >5060, and THAT at >5062. Now let's say that MALLOC found free space at >5068 in page 3; this means that THIS will be copied at >5088 and THAT at >508A.

Because the address of the copies is different from that of the original, you cannot just write CLR @THIS or SETO @THAT: such instructions would be hard-coded as CLR @>5062 and SETO @>5064, which are the correct addresses in SRAM page 0, but who knows what's to be found there in page 3! By using R1 as an index, you can correct the addresses and make sure the copies of THIS and THAT are properly accessed. Of course, you may copy this index to another register, less frequently used than R1.

Note that if you change workspace twice in a row, you will need to add up the offsets returned into R1 by each call to NEWWS, so that the addresses remains correct. For instance, save R1 into R7 after the first call, and add R1 to R7 for each successive call. To return to the original workspace, you will also need to save R0 msb after the first call.


This routine stores R0 and R1 into your private memory slot. The address of the slot in RAM page 1 should follow the call. This address is obtained through the REFed label MYSLOT.

R0: data to be saved
R1: data to be saved


This routine retrieves the contents of your private slot into R0 and R1. It must be followed with a reference to the MYSLOT label.

R0: data retrieved
R1: data retrieved

NB This routine and the previous one actually call RAMCPY with preset parameters.Their main usage is to save the location of a private memory area, obtained with MALLOC. You can then retrieve this location the next time your DSR is called.


       REF  MYSLOT

BLWP @SGBLWP call routine in another page
DATA ATSLOT,PG4SEG retrieve contents of our slot
MOV R0,R0 check if empty (RAM page is never 0)
JNE SK1 we already set our private memory

LI R0,>0100 size of the private area we need
DATA MALLOC,PG4SEG obtain it: R0 = page, R1 = address
BLWP @TOSLOT save R0 and R1 into our slot
B *11

SK1 LI R2,>0100 copy private area (256 bytes)
SETO R3 into current SRAM page
LI R4,HERE at this location
B *11

Revision 1. 6/24/03 Preliminary
Revision 2. 9/17/03 Added quote marks with CSEG
Revision 3. 11/12/03 Added ISP1161 routines and standard memory routines.
Revision 4. 12/16/03 Added MYSTUB segment and SmartMedia routines.
Revision 5. 1/19/04 Added EEPROM stucture and segment order. Plus cosmetic changes.
Revision 6. 1/26/04 Added SGBLX, etc. Changed RAMPG call to BLWP.
Revision 7. 2/9/04 Added slot concept, device name in info, changed removal info.
Revision 8. 3/1/04 Added notes on workspaces. Fixed calls to memory subroutines.
Revision 9. 5/5/04 Added SMVB and note on determinige SM card characteristics.

Revision 10. 5/13/04 Added source files for SM and ISP1161 routines.
Revision 11. 1/2/05 Added R3 for VMBR and VMBW.
Revision 12. 2/6/05 Added NEWWS routine.

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